Sunday, March 16, 2008


WE MADE IT!!! After 14 hours of flying we finally landed in Beijing. AND TO OUR SURPRISE, WE WERE MET BY MELODY! It was so good to see her. Can you believe that she and Kevin have 5 kids ranging in age from 2 years old to 21! She was in St. Louis last December...and we found out that Dwyatt Gantt, (Uncle Dwyatt) the director at CHI, had a heart attack 2 days before Christmas Eve. He is doing fine in his recovery and insists he has 10 more years as director left in him.

Melody joined Lena in greeting us just outside of security when we arrived. We had our own private bus that took us to our swanky digs at the Radisson. Things are a buzz here in preparation for the Olympics - its a loud buzz, this city as 15 million people in it. The girls were real troopers. We made it to the airport in plenty of time Saturday morning - but our flight got out about an hour late. We didn't end up going the polar route (something about the captain's health problems...I didn't want to dwell on it and set my mind on other things). We flew north and clipped across Alaska, USSR, Arctic ocean and then into China.
As you can see, the gang did fine, being wined and dined in economy class. Our seats worked out well, it was our own little corner in the back. I had the last seat and behind me was an open space where people decided to "conjugate". They enjoyed leaning on my seat (so it was like having a 2 year old kick your seat back for 12 hours!). But it really was a great spot...we got to meet everyone who walked by to use the rest room (all 345 of them!). The seat next to me was occupied by a young Chinese gal who was headed home to visit her family.

I think the girls were amazed by the size of the plane (and I was amazed by its age...I think they had to push start it to get it going...something that heavy with that many people shouldn't fly...again, I decided not to dwell on it). Unfortunately, we had the old style plane with one movie screen on the forward bulk head (about 100yards in front of us) with an old projector that needed calibrating. They showed 4 movies, we didn't' watch any (girls couldn't really see) and they were very content playing their DS games. Ashley was the only one who got any sleep, I got a few winks in here and there. The Beijing airport terminal is pretty cool. It is fashioned after a dragon -- you can see the scales on top of the building as you come in.

Linda managed to get our whole family packed into 5 checked bags (really 4 - one is a bunch of stuffed animals for the hope center). Melody even complimented us on "packing light."
As I write this, it is about 7:40PM on Sunday March 16 Beijing time. We are 13 hours ahead of you, so you all should just about be getting up and getting ready for church. Everyone is taking a quick nap...Becky and Maggie took quick showers and are completely collapsed on the bed.
I'm really proud of them....I can't believe how grown up all three of them are.
Tomorrow is a full day...we will be going to the Forbidden City and Tianamen Square and touring Beijing. So we will take plenty of pictures and tell you of the day's adventures tomorrow evening.


Papa and Nana said...

How neat is this - Paul you're wonderful. What a relief this is to know you are there and how special Melody met you. It is 7:25 a.m. Sunday morning and I should be getting ready for church - Dad should start hollering pretty soon. Of course I haven't told him what I'm doing yet! The pictures are wonderful, keep them coming. (Dad just called for me, I told you so). Have a great day and enjoy. Sorry to hear Dwyatt had a heart attack but know he'll do great. We love you, Mom/Nana

The Francoeur's said...

I'm really glad I guilted my sister into creating this blog - its fun being able to watch your trip as it unfolds!! Airplane food - must have been a long flight - looks yummy as ever. Hope everyone got a good nights sleep. Enjoy your next adventure!

BrianGee said...

Wow, just wow! I'm so glad that Aunt Kathleen pointed me here. I swear, in my head, Maggie still looks like she does in the picture from '96. I know that's ridiculous, and it's neat to see everyone. You're going to have so much fun. Keep writing.

Maggie and Dad 1996

Maggie and Dad 1996
Maggie in 1996. "I'm a US Citizen!"